Option - Zipper CloserQuantumPak Options

Zipper Closer


Zipper Closer

Sealing a bag and closing its zipper provide a comprehensive solution for preserving freshness, preventing leaks, enhancing security, and extending the shelf life of its contents, making it a better option for storage and transportation compared to using just one of these closure methods.

QuantumPak’s Zipper Closer System efficiently seals zipper bags, saving production time and eliminating the need for manual intervention. Simply insert your zipper bag into our Continuous Bag Sealers and watch as the system automatically seals the bag after closing the zipper. Designed with aluminum brackets and Stainless-Steel rollers, our system offers a hassle-free solution for sealing bags with zippers.


Maintenance-free operation
No manual intervention required for increased productivity
Designed and built in North America
High-grade Aluminum and Stainless Steel parts
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